

Juun - pianoguts [link]
Wolfgang Fuchs - turntables [link]
Bernhard Breuer - drums [link]
Didi Bruckmayr - voice [link]

The live premiere of this quartet will be a carnival for both the ear and the eye.
Maybe eye can dance.
Eye can dance!
Maybe I can dance.
I can dance!
Maybe I can...

Precursors/associated projects/neighbourhood:
deepseafishK (feat. Juun) [info][video]
No Business For Dogs (feat. Juun/Bernhard Breuer) [info][audio]
Elektro Guzzi (feat. Bernhard Breuer) [info][audio]
Dynamore (feat. Didi Bruckmayr/Wolfgang Fuchs) [info][audio]
Sarros (feat. Wolfgang Fuchs) [info]
The London Improvisers Orchestra (feat. Juun) [info]
Dr. Didi (feat. Didi Bruckmayr) [info]
Tumido (feat. Bernhard Breuer) [info][audio]
Fuckhead (feat. Didi Bruckmayr) [info]
boesze:noid:fuchs (feat. Wolfgang Fuchs) [info]
